
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Swap Beat Week 4 Results

So the Turkey seems to have been the winner this week, lots of slip sliding with one notable exception and only three actual losers. Congratulations to Laura and Maddy for staying their ground refusing that second helping stepping away from the desert trolley and avoiding the cheese board. This is Laura’s second wind but do I detect a swinging strategy, we’ll have to wait until next week to find out if she swings the other way?

Winners who have received their swag, don’t forget the photo and accompanying post.

So the usual form, choose from the remaining SWAG, (Maddy there is a Nike+ sensor up for grabs) and contact the donor for shipping etc. Three more weeks of dual prizes and then the Grand Prize just in time (well actually three days late) for Christmas!


  1. Congrats to the winners!

    I think somebody requested the swag I had to offer. I think Pat, contact me.I need to know your shoe size to get you the right socks. My email is on my blog

  2. Congrats to those with so much will power around the holiday! What a feat!

  3. I'm sure my success this week had to do with being in the mountains much too far way to go to the grocery store and being forced to eat what was available.

    And while I anxiously wait for Amazon to ship my Garmin Forerunner 305, if Laura chooses something else, I'll take you up on the Nike+ chip. I do love technology and my toys...
    Can you ever have too much data? I don't think so...

  4. I WAY over did it over the holidays. Watch out this week... I am in detox mode :)

  5. Congrats Laura and Maddy! I felt guilty last week so I'm working out 8 out of 7 days this week (yes you read that correctly)! Er..I mean I'll be eating a large pizza everyday.

    Viv- I just emailed you. Sorry it's late!

  6. Next time, I'll join in on the fun!

  7. Laura wins again?!?!? How does that girl do it? Actually, I do know... Just run marathons every weekend!

    Man, I tried to be good but it was SO hard. SO Hard. I mean, come on, it was Turkey Day week!

  8. Wow. That is such a cool challenge.

    ~~~rubs steam off street window~~~

    maybe next time! LOL

  9. Sorry so behind in getting to this - I've been sick all this week. It probably would have meant another weight loss instead of my swinging strategy, but today I was at the office and miserable because I was sick so I gobbled up tons of pastries!

    Last week I didn't touch seconds, but I did have two Thanksgiving dinners. However, I also ran a marathon, so that has to negate at least one of them! I was still surprised to lose. Next week you guys are all going to go WAY negative - there's so much salt in Thanksgiving food that it was probably all water gain.

    Do I really get to pick again? I thought it went down the line. If so, I'll pick the Gu - can always use more of that!


Thanks for reading this post and leaving a comment, if you are entering a contest, please ensure you put some sort of unique name down so I can get back to you. E-mail addresses are ONLY displayed to me, and never shared, sold, pilfered, or anything else unhappy.