
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Running is a contact sport…

Well it is when you decide to headbutt the sidewalk. So there I was merrily minding my own business thinking that my knee was feeling better, plodding along at a sensible pace and wallop I am down, errant man-hole cover! I’ll spare you the list of road-rashed body parts but suffice to say I won’t be going to the ball at the weekend! Of all the bits that hurt the most annoying is that I have managed to mash up the inside of my lips and now they’re really starting to swell…oh yeah that and the fact the brow of my nose won’t stop weeping! From memory I seemed to literally have swallow dived into the pavement face first, with the forward momentum of running I had zero time to put out my hands and thereby I broke my fall face!

Of course this does make for an interesting blog post…this was one my earlier thoughts, after, phew all my teeth are there and good, my nose is not broken.

A kind Samaritan stopped and gave me a lift home, thank you whoever you were.


  1. YIKES! and I thought biking was dangerous ...

  2. I can't believe that your nose broke your fall!

    With all teeth intact you will heal quickly - I hope.

  3. Dang! That's quite a fall. I'm just glad you didn't break anything.

  4. OMG!!! Thankfully it wasn't worse, but still looks painful! OUCH! Feel better!

  5. I'll try not to laugh... That's nasty! Glad its not more serious!!

  6. OMG!!! Hope you are okay and that it all heals soon.

  7. Ouch! That looks aweful and is one of my biggest fears. I've fallen a couple times but never the face plant.

  8. Oh no. I hope you are able to heal over the weekend.

    I did a similar thing about 7 years ago while running with my dog. I did break my nose. Luckily, you only look rough for a few days.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  9. Holy cats. That's a nasty one. Glad you're in one piece, mostly. Heal well!

  10. OMG you ate it hard! glad nothing was broken and you still have all your teeth!

  11. Yow! Can't believe you didn't break anything! Heal quickly!

  12. wow... glad your ok. How is this pavement? You know I am joking. Is this your way of getting more rest days built in your training plan.

    Take care and wish you some super fast healing. Beer would help with that :))

  13. DUDE! Be careful. Can you imagine if you broke some teeth? Oh man. And it wasn't even on a trail? I'm disappointed in you. ;)

  14. OMG STUART! I'm glad you are okay and second documented this!!! wow. hope that all the teeth are okay too.

  15. Who knew that a face mask would be the next big running accessory? Glad there are no serious injuries but it looks painful...

  16. hahaha. sorry, i'm totally laughing with you... (are you laughing?) :)

    i am SO glad you are ok - this sounds like quite the mishap! glad nothing is broken!!

  17. Ouch. Good to hear it wasnt any worse.

  18. RUNNING??!!! I saw that photo and totally assumed you were in a bike crash! aw man, that looks painful.

    Take care!!

  19. holy mother of...

    WOW. Glad to hear it wasn't any worse, but what's going on with your knee? Been a bit out of the loop lately - will have to check your earlier posts.

  20. Oh my gosh! Ouch! I am so sorry! Glad that your teeth are all intact and your nose isn't broken! Hoping it heals up quickly! Take good care!

    Shannon (@hendy2)

  21. Well, you see, i thought you were a trail runner. and then, you going runnning on the streets and look what happens.

    k,seriously, though, it looks tremendously painful and i do hope that you heal soon.

    the blog entry (and photo) just go to show that your sense of humour has remained healthy and well.

    now get better and stick to jaunty mountain tops and safer stuff like craggs and peaks (better views anyhow)

  22. OMG that is a scary pic! Glad you're ok!!!

  23. Oh, man, the picture alone makes my eyes water. Get well.

  24. Man Stuart. I saw this the other day on FB and about flipped out.
    I thought your wife really took it to you.

    I almost bit the pavement during the 2005 Cleveland Marathon due to a service hole in the street.

    Heal up my friend.

  25. OUCH!!!!! I hope you are feeling better!!! That is one battle wound!

  26. Running: You're doing it wrong.

    Variation on:

  27. omgosh OUCH!!! i am way behind at this point but hope you are feeling better now.

  28. good lord. I've been running at night lately and your argument with the pavement is now my worst fear. But I do run the same route 3-4x everyday so I know it well. stay safe


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