
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shut up and listen!

This is the message that my body has been telling me since Sunday. My response; "must complete workout", "must complete workout"! 15.25 miles Friday, 27.75 miles Saturday, Endless running round after children Sunday, 15.01 miles Monday, 11.2 miles; should have been 25 miles bike Tuesday, (to clarify all the rest was running), left knee/quad – FAIL! Stopped after one lap and climbed back into bed; it was only 5:45am. Achy, tweaky on/off soreish…grr - body fail! Time for RICE and I ain’t talking carbs!

Unscheduled rest today, lets see what tomorrow brings!


  1. Ah yeah, such a fine, fine line between commitment and just "not listening" to the body. It's always a tough call.
    Hope it's all better quick, but give it whatever rest it calls for!! "Better now than later" is my thought.

  2. fingers crossed that the RICE will fix ya up! Glad you're listening to your body.

  3. Did you have to make your body scream before you were willing to listen? Would your sweet wife say the same.... lol... I know you are smarter than that.

  4. This is my body talking to me: "Blah, blah, blah...." Is that what you hear too?

  5. Sometimes it the "trying" that counts.

  6. That's always a tough struggle. Hope the rest day helps you heal!

  7. Well, rest is a part of training. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

  8. i'm hard-headed like that too, especially lately. the body/mind can't be trusted really.

    hope the day off helped and you are ready to hop to it today!

  9. Today is a "rest" day which is underrated and more people should be doing them. They are as important as "training" days. Thank you Joe Friel for reminding me of that. ;)


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