
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

20lb lost, $20 spent!

So as mentioned in this post I am aiming to lose a bit of weight, 20lbs to be precise, that will put me in the high at 16olbs, it’s a lofty goal but most of mine are right! So here’s the deal, to join me in this challenge you need to buy in, a $20 Gift Card to Road Runner Sports gets you a seat at the table. Why RRS? Well they have a good selection of most things running and you can order the card and whatever you want to buy on line so there’s no hassily lines etc.

Here are the rules:

  1. This is a weekly challenge based on percentage body weight lost
  2. It will operate on the honor system, you’re only fooling yourself
  3. It will operate 1 week per competitor, i.e. 9 players equals 9 weeks
  4. You need to email me, quadrathon-at-gmail-dot-com, your start weight no later than 5pm Sunday January 17th
  5. You need to email me no later than 5pm the following Sunday and by that time each successive Sunday thereafter your new weight…you snooze you lose
  6. The winner of the week will be announced Monday or Tuesday
  7. The winner will receive a Gift Card from a fellow competitor which they will nominate; obviously the first Card you win will be the one you have to start with
  8. No sandbagging week 1!
  9. Winners and Gift Card givers can negotiate off line as to actually sending the cards etc
  10. If you’re over the border or overseas email me and we can figure something out I am sure
  11. Don’t do anything silly, be healthy and if in doubt stop

The idea here is that potentially if you’re doing well you can earn two, three or five gift cards, $20 will get you some gels or maybe a pair of gloves $60 may get you a nice jacket, $100; that’s a new pair of shoes!

Based on the earlier post these are the folks that are interested, including me there’s $220 already! Confirm by comment below and we’ll start from this weekend!

Billy Burger, Plain Runner, Run to the Finish, Jennifer, Tri James, Velma, S Baboo, Lindsay, Ms. V and Bootchez

Public peer pressure…don’t you just love it!


  1. I like it, where do I sign? :)

    @jmquez from the UK

  2. Game on! I will email you later this week.

  3. I wonder if I should bother. I tend to stay within a certain weight range. I need to lose a limb to really see a big change on the scale.

  4. This sounds exciting! :) I could lose a few lbs. ;)

  5. Sounds like a great plan Stuart! Not sure how it would work with me being in the great white north...but anything to assist with motivation on losing weight is a good thing!

  6. Okay, I'm up for this.
    I started last year needing to lose over 70 pounds. I lost 35 in six months by training for my first sprint triathlon. Now I'm signed up for an Olympic distance in June. Hoping to have 35-40 more lost by then. May as well earn some gift cards while I'm at it, if I can!!

  7. I'm STOKED.

    I don't really get the whole *you get a card from someone* thingy, but I'm good.

    Is it 20 bucks a WEEK?

  8. That's a great idea, but I don't really need to lose any weiht. I'll just cheer from the sidelines!

  9. ok. i'm confused about the gift cards part?

    guess i gotta few days to pig out before the official weigh in! :)

  10. Nevermind... I'm a moron. :) guess I won't be pigging out either, appears I missed that memo. Whoops.

  11. Oh hell, I'm in, though I have my doubts that I'll drop enough weight to win anything, given how DIET is a 4-letter word in my mind. I'm entered in an ASS contest, for chrissake, over at The Lawsons Did Dallas, so I guess I'll just put it *all* out there on the interwebs.

    I just know I'm gonna be one of those people that gains weight while marathon training. Damn, I'm hungry!

  12. I could stand to lose 20-40 pounds. I am in!

  13. Hmm, not sure if that posted or not, but I am in!

  14. This is a great idea! In losing weight, one really must have motivation!


Thanks for reading this post and leaving a comment, if you are entering a contest, please ensure you put some sort of unique name down so I can get back to you. E-mail addresses are ONLY displayed to me, and never shared, sold, pilfered, or anything else unhappy.