
Friday, January 15, 2010

This ‘n’ that…

It’s late so here’s a general round up of the week:

Took Monday off after last Sunday’s race.

Nailed my Intervals on Tuesday 6 x 800m all within my 6:25 - 6:47, I am still short of my target pace but I am getting there, slowly but surely

Wednesday; I hit the pool, pushed for time as there was a lesson waiting, it was drills, legs, float, fins on, fins off, up down, up down, 1000m done! Not far by tri training standards but hey!

Thursday; met up with Billy (LARunr) for a great mixed tempo run on the beach path, 8 miles, again short of target pace of 6:35 by about 20 seconds, but again I am getting there.

Tonight; Sufferfest time! An hour on the trainer having my butt kicked on the Downward Spiral…it’s brutal and that’s all I have to say, I’ll be posting a review next week and have two copies to giveaway in a competition; enter at your own risk!

In other news, I am having issues with my Kayano 16s, not long after I got them I developed a pain in my heel, not while running but the next morning or after being in chair for a while when I started walking it would be tender. I have reverted back to my 15’s and I picked up another pair in the sales. I’ve also been running in my flats with some effect and focusing on both form and function, I find myself going back time and time again to the Newton website…hmm we’ll see!

Tomorrow I have an 8 mile tempo run, an hour on the local roads and that closes out this week of training. I only have 4 weeks left on this plan. I’ve decided to do the 10k at the Redondo Beach Super Bowl race rather than the 5k, it’s one week ahead of the end of the training plan but it is the race where I set my current 10k PR, no predictions yet other than an improvement!

I fell off the wagon in my own Situp/Pushup/Squat challenge but I am back in the saddle, talking of challenges don’t forget to email me your start weight if you signed up for the 20lb/$20 Challenge…move over Howie Mandel! There seems to be some confusion mostly caused by me! The basics are it’s a percentage loss challenge not pounds. Everyone buys a $20 RRS card and each week one person will win one from someone else…you only buy one each and when they are all gone it's over, if you’re still confused, don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it as we go!

Finally I’ve a whole bunch of reviews in the pipeline, but I am going to eek them out one a week or so…lots of good stuff for y’all!


PostScript from Saturday Jan 16th

I had an awesome 8 miler today, even after Friday nights Sufferfest I managed to just miss the 8 miles in an hour by 36 seconds, that the fastest I have been in a long time and was 40 seconds faster over today’s hillier course than last weekend’s race!

1-17-2010 12-14-01 AM I also nailed my SPS Trifecta tonight…yep I am back in the saddle!


  1. You're putting in the work and making steady gains. I'm enjoying following your progress.

    Allez, Stuart!

  2. Damn, you have a lot of links in this one post. ;)

  3. I really hate when shoe manufacturers do that. I use Asics GT21XXs. They have stopped making the GT2140s and are now onto the GT2150s. I now am building up some extra callous material as my feet get used to the tnew shoe. Heck - thy already look like dead sea cucumbers!

  4. yeah, I can't run with you guys-Mr Speedy!!! But we could meet after we run!!! I usually run the RB Super Bowl Sunday 10K-but this year I'll be in Huntington beach so i can get a jacket and a super cool medal for completing the California Dreamin Series-all about the swag!!!! But one day we will meet at these races!!


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