
Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Summary

Wow talk about blink and you miss it. All things considered it was a pretty solid month of training,

Other than moving my workouts around to fit them in it’s been a case of just follow the plan! As expected my Training is balancing out across the three disciplines.

My swimming is getting consistent, that’s all I can ask for really, it’s my weakness and while I am a firm believer in working on your weaknesses I could spend 20,000 yards a week trying to improve my swim by 5 minutes or take the 15 minutes off my run time to reduce Becca’s head start by working on intervals on the road.

Now I am back on my Slice I need to get comfy for the 2+ hours of aero plus a couple of hills, time to dig out those Tri shorts and hang up my plush cycling bibs for a while.

My running is a bit hit an miss, I am going out too fast and fading on my faster runs so I need better discipline to stay at the same pace, that means dialing it back some and keeping enough in the tank. It’s still 13.1 miles at the end of the day!

Here are the numbers for the month;



Total; 41 workouts. 319.28 miles in 32:50:37

13 Swims; 20,739 yards in 7:46:44

11 Bikes; 250 .53 miles in 13:24:55

15 Runs 76.97 miles in 11:05:21

2 core workouts! #SMH

The small gray one is a Transition for Chrysalis

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