
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Getting in Sync!

With Becca and I both training for the same races over then few months it made some sense to get in sync with our training plans. As a reminder I had been using Bryon Powell’s Relentless Forward Progress 40m-62m plan on 50 miles per week. It was only a 24 week plan which meant I would have to repeat the 12 of the weeks to get me from August when I started to Leona Divide in April. Becca found one on a local training club which made the plan fit the dates better and so we decided to sync up on here plan. The mileage seems to be a bit higher each week to and I have already noticed that the back-to-back runs are longer. Not a bad thing in my mind as a 20-30 mile Sunday followed by a 5-6 mile Monday is a bit lopsided.

Also thrown into the mix is fitting in The Tour of Sufferlandria is a challenge but Becca has done a great job of fitting it all together. This is what it looks like from next week onwards, oh and that Bandit 50k…more on that soon!


Bottom line…13 weeks to Leona Divide!

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