
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Golden Gran Fondo (GGF) Week 7

Eased right off this week. A bit on the trainer at the start and a bit of climbing on Sunday, all the days in between I was foam rolling, using my Compex and Body Buffing my legs as much as possible!

Monday; Off!

Tuesday; just couldn’t stay away! Caltech 30 miles with a 30 minute/8 mile warm up, so yeah 38 miles

Wednesday; West Vidette 20 miles. 45 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding ranging from 50-80% FTP. Additional 30 minutes easy spin

Thursday, Friday and Saturday; Off!

Sunday; joined Becca and rode a couple of local hilly loops. 30 miles. First ride since Wednesday as babying a pissy knee/quad and I have the Golden Gran Fondo in a week. Leg felt 80%. Rode a couple of the hills hard to see how it felt and grabbed a couple of personal KOMs for the day so happy with that. ISM saddle is working well and I can sit in the drops for mile after mile without issues! 


And that was it for the week. Very easy and big step back with only 90 miles, lots of focus on rehabbing my knee proactively as it’s not going to get better by itself!

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