
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Golden Gran Fondo (GGF) Week 8

After basically a week off including driving to Golden Colorado, I was back on the bike Saturday. The drive took a day and a bit. We left around 6pm on the Thursday night and got as far as Mesquite NV, about 375 miles. Arriving and diving into bed around 1am. Back on the road the next morning we drove for most of the day arriving in Golden at the end of the day…another 660 miles!


On the Saturday Becca and I headed out to the Ironman Boulder course so she could get some ride time on the course and get a good understanding of what the “hills” were like and how things would shake out at altitude.

The course comprises of basically a top heavy figure of eight. The top loop is ridden twice and the bottom one once. For this ride we would just head out from the reservoir and T1 for 45 minutes and then ride back, I missed the turning through and ended up turning around off course.


The next day was the Gran Fondo and we didn’t want to overcook it so that was it for the day and the week. The good news was that the mostly forced rest had let me knee recover and things felt pretty good. There seemed to be little effect from the altitude, we were hanging out around 5500’ and the Gran Fondo would go as high as 9000. I’ve been at altitude several times and have suffered from sickness only once but I was at 13,000’ so I was expecting no issues.

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