
Monday, December 19, 2016

BWR Week 1

It’s time to start layering on the base training again. I have a sprinkling of B Races and Training camps coming up but the main focus, as mentioned in this post, is BWR and HooDoo500. I have finished Cross season although there may be one more race on the first weekend of January.

That said it’s only 55 days to Rock Cobbler, more reasonable 153 days to BWR and a whopping 257 days to HooDoo500. So with that schedule this is the plan as I see it for now with the events folded in. It spreads out nicely at the start but gets a bit busy during the late spring. HooDoo500 actually falls around week 5 of the second iteration of the 8 week centiry plan but I think that will work. TrainerRoad has said there is a double centrury plan coming so I may switch to that if it comes out in time. This is bery similar to my approach to Dirty Kanza 200 this year so I am confident it’s the right approach

  • Sweet Spot Base High Vol 1 6 Weeks; 12/12/16 – 1/22/17
    • 4 days to Fitness camp; this is four rides that total 316 miles and approx. 25,000’ of gain, a good baseline for HooDoo500 although it is 200 miles less and one day more!
    Sweet Spot Base High Vol 2 6 Weeks; 1/23/17 – 2/5/17
    • BWR Camp
  • Sustained Power Build High Volume 8 Weeks 2/6/17 – 4/2/17
    • RSR III
  • Century High Volume High Volume 8 Weeks 4/3/17 – 5/28/17
    • Mulholland Challenge
    • Amgen L’Etape
    • Belgium Waffle Ride
  • Sustained Power Build High Volume 8 Weeks 5/29/17 – 7/23/17
  • Century High Volume High Volume 8 Weeks 7/24/17 – 9/17/17
    • HooDoo500

As usual I‘ll be naming the weeks as I count down to the two A Races so it’s a BWR Week XX followed HD500 Week YY. So with all that said here is Week 1;

Monday TrainerRoad Beech; Back to Base(ics); Sweet Spot Base Phase 1 HV. 62 days to Rock Cobbler 5.0. Beech is 60 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between 65-75% FTP.


Tuesday TrainerRoad Mills; Plan called for 2X8mins FTP test but I tested 2 weeks ago so using new FTP from that test for this plan. Mills consists of 3 sets of 3x2-minute VO2max repeats each starting at 120% FTP and finishing at 110% FTP. 3-minute recoveries fall between intervals & 6-minute recoveries fall between sets of repeats. Dialed this back to 96% as legs still a bit sore from Sunday's CX racing.


Wednesday TrainerRoad Holt Hill; Climbing Simulation. Holt Hill is 1.5 hours with 4 Tempo intervals spent at low cadence between 70-80% FTP with intermittent, 3-minute recoveries at 55% FTP.


Thursday TrainerRoad Mount Field; Mount Field is 3x12-minute intervals at 85% FTP with 3-minute recoveries between intervals.


Friday TrainerRoad Beech. I just function better if I ride every day! Birch is 45 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding ranging mostly from 60-80% FTP.


Saturday TrainerRoad Baxter; Baxter is 90 minutes of non-stop aerobic conditioning at 55-80% FTP where the effort changes based on cadence. Effectively a fixed-gear trainer ride with low to moderate effort levels that primarily utilize fat as the fuel source.


Sunday…had planned to ride outside with a buddy but he had other plans so I went solo. A very windy day as you can see in this video I posted on Instagram! The TR plan was 3 hours, with the wind I ended up riding 55 miles in 3:40. I have ridden a slightly shorter loop (50 miles) in just under 32 hours which gives you an idea of how windy it was!



So a solid start with 11:19 on the clock and 192 miles in the bank

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