Talking of miles September has seen a real turnaround, my mileage is almost back to pre-injury level; I closed out September with 143.22 miles under my belt, somewhat of an improvement over my injury riddled "no-running" month of August; 13 miles and my “I am heading towards injury” July; 54 miles. My long run is back into the high teens; 19.46 (Nike+) 19.20 (FR 305) and I have my first fall race this weekend. I have two more PT sessions, but I am stretching regularly at home and maintaining my strengthening routine as well as cycling for cross training. My Hal Higdon program starts in three weeks and with all things crossed I will be back up and running (pun intended) proper by the start of November. In anticipation of that I paid a visit to Diaz Human Performance lab in Camarillo for a Vo2 and RMR tests last weekend, more on that later.
SLB, it is good to see that you are making a comeback. I ran 151 miles in September after time off in July and August because of injury. This week I'm feeling a little bit achy again and wondering if maybe that was just too much, too soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks it's good to be on the way back. I do find myself over-thinking it, the smallest tweak and I am thinking the worse. If I can get in the zone; with either something or nothing on my mind I find the miles just roll by.
ReplyDeleteI am continually impressed by your dedication, SLB+! Good job!