The new house is on the side of a hill so I now have no excuses for interval training as best I can tell from the USGS website it has a 300' elevation gain over .75 mile, which equals a 10% incline, that seems high but it is plenty steep when you're running up it.
This Sunday my long run reached 16.75 miles which was completed in 2:25:55, that puts me on target for a 3:54:25 marathon time, that's some 25 minutes more than my target 3:30, put it means I can put a stake in the ground and a target to work towards. Being in a new area means have to learn new routes but joy of joy's there is a state park trail head at the end of the street.
This month's challenge is drawing to a close, the standings at the half way point were:
Top 5 Women - 2/22/07
1 MightyWeezie
2 JazzyWx
3 patcini
4 niccinoodle
5 Run4meLife
Top 5 Men - 2/22/07
1 RicC
2 Zye
3 Magnumqt
4 e-Mac
5 TeeW
There are two days left and everything left to play for.
The Frappr map is filling out and we have pushpins from Europe, South America and Australia. Fourteen states in the US are represented so far, don't be shy folks, add a face to that name.
Finally a big thankyou to MightyWeezie and Monk_Monkey for all their efforts on the T shirt, Nike has offered us the use of their logo and the order total has been creeping up. As always a big thankyou to SnowCrash, our Race Director, for his ongoing attention.
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