Holy cow! Ten weeks! Actually it’s closer to 18 including the 8 weeks of training for the Golden Gran Fondo! A grand total of 3104 miles since April 27th! I’ll be honest and say that the miles are taking their toll and with only 38 days (as of today) to go the end is in sight. That said I am not sure that I will ever be 100% ready but I need to have a pretty good level of confidence! Right now I have ridden the “Segment” only three times in a row and my longest ride is 94ish miles and with some of that on the flat! Sunday rides are going to get longer and hillier in the coming weeks!
So here is how Week 10 shook out;
Monday; Today was scheduled to be a rest day, but like ultra-running I need the back-to-back long rides so I headed out with Becca and rode one Royal Loop and then all the local hills for saddle time and more elevation training. I think this is what I need to do over each weekend now so I will have to look at the plan as a whole.

Tuesday; TrainerRoad Fang Mountain. After two big days this was always going to be a struggle and it was, Dialed it back to 90% and couldn't hang onto that! Fang Mountain is 4x9-minute over-under intervals with 1-minute valleys at 95% FTP and 2-minute peaks that ascend to 105% FTP. Extra 2 mile warm up and 2 cool down.

Wednesday; TrainerRoad Townsend. Townsend consists simply of 1.5 hours of Aerobic Endurance spent between 60-70% FTP. Almost recovered, still about 5% down. Took it easy to start and added extra mile to cool down and round up.

Thursday. TrainerRoad Givens. Well in to the fatigue locker, couldn't hit power, cadence or get HR above 140! Five big days and 200+ miles taking their toll. Tomorrow is a rest day! Givens -2 is two sets of 3x2.5-minute VO2 Max repeats at 118%FTP. 2.5 minutes of recovery falls between Intervals and 8 minutes of easy spinning separates the sets.

Friday. Off and hell yeah I took it!
Saturday. Dropped my road bike off to get a drivetrain tune up and the new Garmin Vector2 pedals fitted. So I headed out for a 2 hour ride on the mountain bike. Hot and hilly it was! Lots of climbing on the outbound leg. No revelations, just solid miles with 1800’ gained in the first 7 miles. Clouds helped with the heat for sure!

I also got to try out my Fox Dual Lockout lever! No more fumbling! Love it!
So I had so much fun on Saturday I went out again on Sunday. I was planning for 4 hours and it took a bit longer than planned…over 5 hours to ride 38 miles! All the clouds had gone and I had temps in the high 90’s and over 100f at times. I was able to duck out of the Parks I was riding in to top up with water and coke at a Gas Station. It’s days like this I feel so lucky to have Becca in my corner who wasn’t panicking and just told me to get it done! So with the exception of about 200 yards I rode the entire thing…even the 20% section!

So this week was time based with over 14:30 on the bike and 166 miles and over 10,000’ of gain for the week!