Picture the scene, an apartment in London. Male enters the kitchen stage left, is surprised to see no one is home. The phone rings…
Caller “hello is this Mr B I am speaking to ”?
Man “yes”
Caller “good evening, my name is Sergeant X from the Metropolitan Police, Ms B has been involved in a traffic accident and is on her way to Guys Hospital, she is conscious but is seriously injured….”
Some more details are imparted, man leaves apartment drives across London; very quickly….the rest is history, arrives to find cyclist caked in dried blood shredding lycra and in a neck brace waiting for multiple X-rays, MRIs etc.
The back story was my wife, girlfriend then, was riding her bike home from work over one of the bridges, a car had come over the bridge too fast hadn’t seen her and had hit sending her to the side of the road. Someone called in the accident on their cellphone, as it was rush hour they sent an air ambulance, the police shut the bridge, although in the end she went by normal ambulance to hospital where after cleaning up all the blood, and there was a lot, most of her injuries where not major. Fortunately she was conscious and compus mentus, picture the scene had she not have been!
Needless to say that’s a call no one ever wants to get!
It almost goes without saying, almost, so I am going to say it. Carry some ID with you when you head out the door! Now I hate running with a phone I really do, but it’s come in handy a few times, distill that down and carrying some form of basic ID is not only doing you a favor, looking after your loved ones it also makes the life of you rescuers, should you ever need them, a lot easier, especially if you are unconscious. Enter RoadID. I’ve know about them for ages and truth be told I did have an ID bracelet from a now defunct competitor on which the info was pretty out of date, moving house will soon date that info. So a couple of weeks ago I consciously sat down and ordered a RoadID. I got a great personalized email following my order and started a dialog with them telling them the above story. Cheekily I asked would they be willing to give one away to a reader and they agreed! Yay!
So here’s the deal, much like many of my other giveaways all you have to do is follow the following and you’ll be in the running for the prize which I will draw next Friday, there are several ways to enter and the more you do the better the odds:
Like, follow, become a fan of or whatever they’re calling it this week on Facebook of RoadID
Follow them on Twitter gets you one entry
Leave a comment on this post gets you one entry, tell me you have done the above will get you one or two more, that’s three so far.
Finally all you folks on Twitter tweet the following will get you one more entry per day, this contest runs for a week so between now and next Thursday, that’s seven more for a possible total of nine, I will pick a winner.
I just entered the win a free @RoadID giveaway on the @quadrathon blog
Pretty simple really, watcha waiting for? Oh and if you win, why not write a review…that seems only fair right?!?
If you don’t win, you can’t wait or you want to get one for a loved one; they make excellent stocking stuffers for Christmas, you can order one by clicking the link below, use the code BG5244 and you’ll get $1 off, full disclosure I am an affiliate so I get a teeny tiny payment from them if you do.

And here’s a picture of mine…
In case you’re wondering NKA; No Known Allergies, NKDA; No Known Drug Allergies, No Med Hx; No Medical History and OPos is my blood group…as you can see I am Mr Super dull, nothing wrong and the most common blood group around! Works for me!